Articles Tagged With:
New Ethical Guidance on End-of-Life Nutrition Therapy
The guidance is intended to help clinicians understand what medically assisted nutrition and hydration can and cannot accomplish for different groups of patients.
Failure to Report Study Findings in Timely Manner Erodes Public Trust
Further, this can contribute to bias in the scientific knowledge base, limit the ability of future investigators to build on knowledge generated from prior research, and lead to duplication of research efforts and misuse of scarce resources.
Lack of Funding, Salary Support for Ethics Consultation Work
Demand for ethics consults is rising, but there is not enough financial support, nor enough staff with specialized training in bioethics. Without commitment and active engagement from leadership, clinical ethics consultants most likely will remain almost poorly resourced, albeit with dedicated volunteers.
Double BBB, or Complete AV Block?
The ECG in the figure is from a woman who complained she had been experiencing chest pain for several days. What is the rhythm? Is there complete AV block?
Zavegepant Nasal Spray (Zavzpret)
Zavegepant can be prescribed to treat migraine, with or without aura, in adults.
Multivitamin-Mineral Supplementation vs. Cocoa Extract for Cognition
Researchers followed participants for three years and determined daily cocoa supplement use was not associated with cognitive enhancement in older adults, whereas a multivitamin supplement was associated with significant cognitive benefits.
Influence of Vitamin Intake on Migraine Prevalence
Among participants experiencing severe headaches or migraine, those with severe headaches also reported a lower intake of thiamine and riboflavin, based on 24-hour recall of food intake.
Insulin Resistance at the Blood-Brain Barrier in Alzheimer’s Disease
Alterations in cerebrovascular insulin receptor isoform levels were associated with Alzheimer’s disease pathology and caused deficits in insulin signaling at the level of the blood-brain barrier.
Congress Proposes Adding Thousands of Medicare-Funded Residency Positions
The bill would add 2,000 positions annually for seven years, which could alleviate healthcare staffing woes.
Intimate Partner Violence
Domestic violence and abuse is a national and global healthcare problem with massive consequences, affecting men, women, and children, which worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. Awareness, recognition, and resource allocation, in addition to trauma management, is an important aspect of emergent care of the trauma patient possibly injured in a domestic violence incident.